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Digital Transformation in the Year of Outside-In Disruption

As we near the end of a turbulent 2020, it is worth taking a pause to reflect on the inflection point this year has been for the court reporting industry. Social distancing restrictions, and the necessary business operations reconfiguration toward remote depositions, have accelerated digital transformation in our industry by years all within the span

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Navigating the Patchwork of Legal Regulation

With the chaos of 2020 in full swing, legal practitioners have been left reeling in the wake of COVID-19 and the enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the New York Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act. Remote hearings, remote depositions, and remote oath administrations have become the new norm

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invest in yourself

Invest in Yourself; Dentons’ Buys Thousands of Laptops

Are you willing to further advance your career by investing in yourself? The world’s largest law firm by headcount, with over 10,000 lawyers, has made the move to remote work; Joe Andrew, global chair at Dentons stated that the firm: “Invested in between 3,000 to 5,000 laptops and other full-access kits to bring everyone online”.

Invest in Yourself; Dentons’ Buys Thousands of Laptops Read More »

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Designed for Depositions: What Attorneys Value

Featuring former NCRA President, Reesa Parker; this webinar discusses what attorneys are looking for in a remote testimony platform, reviews best practices when attending remote matters, and showcases how vTestify is designed to meet attorney needs. We focus on the benefits of conducting remote depositions on the vTestify platform and provide industry insights for attorneys

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12 Tips for Attorneys using vTestify

The Covid-19 pandemic has flipped the court reporting industry upside down. Before 2020 roughly 95% of depositions were conducted with all participants in the same room, everyone sitting around a physical conference table. Flash forward to this year and now well over 80% of depositions are conducted with all participants remote. Accomplishing this shift towards

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Duke Law Tech Lab Demo Day 2020

The September 25th, 2020 Duke Law Tech Lab Demo Day, establishes Duke Law School as a staunch supporter of access to justice and as one of our nation’s most innovative legal education institutions. The four access to justice organizations that presented this year are as follows: JusticeText – Grand Prize Winner and Audience Favorite Video

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Reporter’s Guide: Running a Deposition

We are excited to announce the start of the vTestify webinar series. This webinar is designed to train Court Reporting teams and educate clients about the vTestify Reporter platform while introducing best practices for remote depositions. Our team focuses on ensuring a reporters’ success when conducting remote depositions on the vTestify Reporter platform and is

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Law and Technology

Are you conducting a video deposition or a video conference?

We have quickly adopted a remote lifestyle in the wake of COVID-19; universities have moved to fully remote classrooms, companies are limiting in-office personnel, and even attorneys must maintain case continuity by conducting remote discovery. With the move to remote being a knee jerk reaction for most we are now realizing that something was missed.

Are you conducting a video deposition or a video conference? Read More »

E-Discovery’s Loss Is Court Tech’s Gain Amid Court’s COVID-19 Slowdown

vTestify CEO Mike Hewitt was featured in a recent article regarding the transition toward remote video conference platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. E-Discovery’s Loss Is Court Tech’s Gain Amid Court’s COVID-19 Slowdown Remote courtroom providers are already seeing a spike in business related to increased video conferencing needs. That growth could become permanent

E-Discovery’s Loss Is Court Tech’s Gain Amid Court’s COVID-19 Slowdown Read More »